ProgrammerĬode contributions are welcome, learn more. Installer may give Smartscreen warning, discussion.Īre you a Lively fan and want to help out? here are some options. I'm not officially affiliated with Unity technologies, godot, shadertoy Download Microsoft Store (Windor above) HiDPI and Ultrawide resolutions supported.Duplicate same wallpaper across all screens.Span single wallpaper across all screens.Wallpaper adjusts automatically to monitor settings change.Wallpaper automatically pauses when running remote desktop session.Can be set to pause wallpaper when running on battery power (laptops.).Set wallpaper playback rules based on running foreground application.

Wallpaper playback pauses when fullscreen application/games run on the machine (~0% cpu, gpu usage).Fully opensource & free no blackmagic, no features behind paywall.Interactive webgl wallpapers, powered by lightweight chromium engine Cef.Hardware accelerated video playback, powered by mpv player.Easy to use Just drag'n'drop media files & webpages into lively window to set it as wallpaper.Can adapt taskbar color based on live wallpaper color.Several system taskbar theme : Clear, Blur, Fluent.Get system information, audio graph, music information.Powerful set of API for developers to create interactive wallpapers.Can be paired with third party scripting software like AutoHotkey.Lively can be controlled with command line arguments from terminal.Any wallpaper can be used as screensaver.Limited support for gui applications as wallpaper.Support Unity, Godot games as wallpaper.Load HTML file or web address as wallpaper.Supports integer scaler for sharp image.Wait a sec, preview gif clips take some time to load. barely an inconvenience, just drag & drop the files or webpages to set as wallpaper. Lively is the only animated desktop wallpaper application that you will need.